POSTED: March 25 2020
Private screening for Covid-19 available

Private screening for Covid-19 available

Following a large number of requests from clients asking for private screening for Covid-19, advo has been in discussion with a number of suppliers of testing kits in the UK.

advo are working with an organisation called My Occ Health who are able to offer access to a specific Covid-19 test. Their testing kit is stated to have an efficacy of 99.9% accuracy, and also screens for SARS and other respiratory influenza conditions.

Tests are completed by staff at home, via a saliva swab, and sent back directly to the provider. Samples are tested within approximately 3 working days of receipt and if positive confirmed back to the employee within 1 hour of result by phone and email. Guidance on next steps is also given if positive.

Considerations before ordering testing kits would include:


  • The Tests are available whenever required by employees within a short duration;
  • Accessibility against National Health Service/ Public Health England testing programmes;
  • Gives some certainty and reassurance for employees showing symptoms of Covid-19.


  • Uncertainty over the number of testing kits that would be required (considering multiple testing may be needed);
  • Risk that tests run out and are difficult to re-order;
  • How to ration the tests to ensure fair availability to all employees;
  • Public Health England may change their stance of providing wider testing regimes reducing or mitigating the need for private testing;
  • Concerns over bulk purchase of tests, potentially removing from the public health system at a time of need.

Conversations with providers and companies have highlighted consideration being given to the following staff options:

  • Provision of one test for all employees (to be provided only where an employee is symptomatic and informed to self-isolate through NHS 111 for example);
  • Purchase of tests to provide to employees over a certain age e.g. 50;
  • Purchase of ad hoc tests only where an employee is symptomatic.

advo has negotiated a discounted rate of £239 (+VAT) per test.

For companies to order the tests you will need to contact your advo direct contact or email us on

If you are ordering single tests then you can  access this price and order tests here. You will need to use the code ADVOC19 when placing your order to access the discounted rate.

It should be noted that, as demand increases, the provider has confirmed that it is likely that the provision of tests will become more challenging and waiting times for delivery and results likely to increase.

 My Occ Health can only release the tests when paid for, and this can be via group invoice settled directly by yourselves for the set number of tests required. These may then be sent in bulk to company offices to distribute to staff where deemed necessary. Unfortunately, the provider are unable to store the tests centrally themselves. Ordering individually, rather than a large order of kits, will be based on current stock levels at time of order and therefore may result in a lack of availability as demand increases.


Please note that advo are unable to advise on the validity of the claims made on the accuracy of the tests being reliant on the information supplied by the clinic. Should the tests not function as stated and claimed, complaints would need to be raised directly with the clinic. Our research does however indicate positive Care Quality Commission results from inspections of their facility.


If you would like to know more then please in the first instance make contact with your dedicated advo contact or email us on