POSTED: July 04 2024
Changes at the Advo Group

Changes at the Advo Group

There are some big, but positive changes here at Advo. We are now two companies, one specialising in Employee Benefits, the other Payroll and HR.

Advo Group, formerly the Employee Benefit division of Advo, has new owners, a global insurance specialist, Brown & Brown (Europe) the European division of Brown & Brown Inc which is a New York Stock Exchange listed company. In the UK their employee benefits are provided the Premier Choice Group. As an Advo employee benefit client currently you will see no difference to the people, systems, contact details, or location as day one all carries on as before.

The sale of the Advo employee benefits business, Advo Group Limited to Brown & Brown was prompted by changes within the health and protection industry which, in the longer-term, would have meant we would not be able to maintain our competitiveness and distinctive approach.

Our Payroll and HR clients will see no change continuing as before through our Advo-One company.

Those Advo clients which have employee benefits and either Payroll or HR (or all three), our multi-service clients, will continue for the time being to be managed collectively by the same people and systems.

Premier Choice Group (Brown & Brown) have become our Principal Strategic Partner with whom we have formed a close relationship.

The message is ‘business as usual’. You don’t need to do anything as all currently carries on as normal.

We have included some more detail relevant to whether you are an Advo employee benefit, payroll or HR client below.

You can read the Brown & brown Press Release here.

HR & Payroll Clients

Advo was already running effectively as two companies taking into account differing regulatory and taxation requirements, allowing a clean separation.

HR and Payroll services remain as they were. Your Account Managers remain the same, as does our support infrastructure, IT, Operations and Compliance.

Your Account Manager has not changed, nor their Managers.

We retain access to our Advo-One online platforms. Online payslips and absence management remain, as does occupational health support, wellness and access to the Shop St. app.

One big change is new Board Members. We are delighted to announce that Alison Gill, previously head of HR, has accepted the position of HR & Payroll Director bringing a new focus on these two closely linked services. There will also an expanded role for Nic Draycott, our Client Services Manager. More on this soon.

We can still offer our clients access to Employee Benefits, but from today this will be through Premier Choice Group with whom we have a close working relationship.

Employee Benefits Clients

The change of the shareholders of Advo Group Ltd will likely bring changes in time, but we see this as a long-term positive. Initially, day-to-day you will see little change. All staff remain working at Cobdown House, using the same IT systems, processes and approach. Your Account Manager and their Managers remain unchanged, as do their contact details.

Lucy Irvine remains as the head of the team supported by managers Ellie Sultana Simon Friday and Jenny Durling. In addition, Lucy Pearce is to continue her Advo role as Commercial Director within Premier Choice. Gill Mateo, Advo Operations Director, also moves across to Premier Choice taking up a senior role in the Compliance Team.

Who are the Premier Choice Group?
Premier Choice Group is a well-known and established intermediary with a timeline that goes back similarly to the early days of Advo. Brown & Brown are US owned and one of the world’s largest general insurance brokers looking to diversify and open employee benefits offices in the SE, through Premier Choice. The inclusion of Advo people adds to their expertise. We believe they will be a good fit with Advo clients and their expectations.

Your Advo Employee Benefits Account Manager will be in touch shortly but if you have any initial concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact them.

Multi-Service Clients:
Employee Benefits with HR & Payroll

Those Advo clients that have employee benefits and either Payroll or HR (or all three) will in time see a different way of working. Premier Choice are a long-term strategic partner with whom we will work closely.

Put simply, together we will share relevant information to make sure all the different services and support continues. Your account managers for all three services have not changed.

We will share more on this over the coming week.

The Advo Directors are excited about the changes and the opportunities it brings to both our people and clients.

Please reach out if you need any further information.