POSTED: July 01 2019
Summer advocate – OUT NOW

Summer advocate – OUT NOW


Summer is here, and so is our latest edition of advocate, advo’s quarterly magazine where we bring you up to date with recent advo news and take a closer look at some of the stand out issues that caught our eye.

We have two interviews, firstly with Adam Henderson who outlines why today’s businesses should take a fresh view on how they support their staff. Also Caroline Pain of International health insurer, Aetna International, who outlines her thoughts on the current and future use of DNA information following the launch of their new DNA testing kit that links to managing an individual’s health.

Other features include an update on the Pensions dashboard and articles on workplace charity fundraising and how prioritising health saves billions. We look at a recent CIPD report on the effects of presenteeism and the success of group risk benefits in managing unwell staff back into work.

In Health news we focus on debunking the myths around bowel cancer.

In advo news features we look at employee childcare issues and why organisations should consider outsourcing vital services such as payroll.

We are pleased that Sue Smith, who heads up advo’s private clients is a finalist in the Women In Financial Advice Award recognising her work within the industry over many years.

You can read the latest edition here.

All current and past issues of advocate are on advo’s news site.